
Results: Stan Musial Hall of Fame Championship presented by Landau Pontoons

Congratulations to the winners of the Stan Musial Hall of Fame Championship presented by Landau Pontoons, held Monday at Old Kinderhook Golf Club west of Camdenton.

Advertising Plus (57) — Marc Kiser, Dawn Mihfeld, Christie Blasi, Tim Blasi and Rita & Joe West.

Mid-America Safety & Environmental (58) — Russ Hinds, John Gafner, Ron Hogue, Tim Rinker and former big-leaguer Scott Terry

Reliable Toyota (59) — Rick Meewes, Matt Sibet, Brad Perkins, Jake Lovelace and former big-leaguer Joe Crede

On-Course Games

Long Drive

44-and-younger, on No. 4 — Andrew Smith

45-to 64 Division, on No. 2 — Michael Woody

65 & older Division, on No. 13 — Tom Henke

Women’s Division, No. 10 — Christie Blasi

Closest to the Pin, on No. 3 — Christie Blasi