
June 19, 1912—September 7, 2008

Don Gutteridge is a native of Pittsburgh, Kansas. His major league baseball career begin in 1936 with the St. Louis Cardinals. A skilled second baseman, the high point in Gutteridge’s career came on his second day in the big leagues. In a double header at Ebbets Field, the rookie got six hits, including an inside the park home run and stole home twice. A member of the famed “Gas House Gang,” Gutteridge played with Dizzy and Daffy Dean, Joe Medwick and Enos “Country” Slaughter.

After a five year stint with the Cards, he switched dugouts at Sportsman’s Park and became a member of the Browns. The crafty second baseman was a member of the Browns’ lone pennant winner in 1944. He is one of 70 players to play for both the Cardinals and Browns. Upon retirement, Gutteridge finished his twelve year career with a .256 batting average, 1,075 hits, 391 RBI’s, 95 stolen bases, 2,075 put outs and 439 double plays turned.